Acting out

Yesterday I wrote funny stories, today it’s a story about Ella acting out.  This afternoon when we went to pick Ella up, Alicia told us that she needed to talk to us.  We were standing there with Ella and as Alicia started talking, Ella put her hands over her ears.  Alicia told us that she asked Ella if she wanted to tell us or if she wanted Alicia to tell us and she told Alicia that she wanted Alicia to tell us.  After Ella put her hands over her ears, Alicia picked her up and then we were all at the same eye level.  Basically, Ella ripped some pages out of 2 books.  Alicia and Ella spent a lot of time taping the pages back in the book and Ella couldn’t do the morning activities until she was finished taping.  Ella said, “I will not do that again.  It’s not nice to rip books.  It can make people sad”.  Later on, we asked her why she ripped the books and she said, “because they wouldn’t let me go outside and play with the water table”.  Oy. We are going to ask Alicia if that was true- not that it would make a difference.  We just want to see if Ella was making it up.   We went to get ice cream after school.  The book incident was over and done with.  Ella hung out with this kid Ana Pria who is in preschool but a different class.  They were funny together.  We had dinner at Nama and Ella ate everything.  Can’t wait to try to sleep in tomorrow.

sleepy.jpg Looking a little sleepy this morning.

thinking.jpg I wonder what she’s thinking about.

attitude.jpg Walking to the ice cream store with a little bit of attitude.

highfive.jpg High fiving Ana Pria

delicious.jpg Delicious!

icecream.jpg Hanging out on the bench enjoying their ice cream.

One Response to “Acting out”

  1. merilee says:

    Wow! Ella is testing the waters! It’s surprising that she ripped pages out of a book, since she loves books. Hope you slept late today. Love you. Mom

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