
Today, Sunny, Ella and I volunteered to help the Giant’s Community Fund raise money for the Junior Giants. We told Ella that we were going to go to the ballpark and try to get people to give money to help kids. We told her that there were some people in the world who needed help from other people and that it was really good to try to help people whenever we could. Ella said something like, “So we will go and get money for kids so that they can buy toys and computers.” It blew us away that she even understood the concept. Ella is a natural for helping others. Here are some pictures from today.

By far, Ella was the cutest volunteer today!

Mommy and Ella waiting for them to let us into the ballpark.

Snoopy and Charlie Brown helped us raise money today.

This is Toby. He helped us collect money today. Ella and Toby really hit it off. He was terrific with her.

Ella and Toby playing around.

Learning a new skill.

It wasn’t all work today. We had a lot of fun running all around the ballpark.

And of course we had strawberries and whipped cream.

New buddies – Ella really had a blast with Toby today.

One Response to “Volunteering”

  1. merilee says:

    I want to know who matched the beads to the outfit. Adorable, as always. thanks for the video chat. Love you. Mom

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