Super busy Thursday

Today, I took Ella to My Gym in the morning. As usual, Ella had an amazing time there. Her jumping is getting stronger and so is her climbing and hanging. She has such confidence in herself – it’s great to see. After My Gym, I dropped Ella off at home where mommy met us so that I could go work at the 8th grade graduation at my school. Ella and Mommy played ball, had lunch at Maria’s, took a walk to the Ferry Building (where Ella fell asleep) and then I met them at the ice cream place. After ice cream, the 3 of us went swimming. It was the first time that Sunny saw Ella walk all around the pool on her tippy toes with NO FEAR. Sunny LOVED every minute of it. She was blown away. After swimming, we went to Oakland with the Kim/Arenas and went to see the Yankees beat the Oakland A’s. The girls were all wearing their Jeter t-shirts and looked fantastic. We all had a great time. It was fun to see the Yankees win. What an incredible day and night.

Heading outside to play baseball.

I know that I rarely write about work – especially because this is called “Life With Ella”, but today was a really special day. A bunch of 8th graders who Corey and I have worked with for the past 3 years graduated today. I have grown to really love these kids and I wish only wonderful things for them. This picture is of Corey, Luckey and me (obviously). Luckey is the class president and in his speech today, he thanked Corey and I for helping him. I was really moved. It’s nice to know that we can make a difference!

Here’s a picture of Ella and I walking home from the ice cream place after I came home from the graduation.

Here is Ella wearing a lei that one of my students gave me.

Here are our 3 little Yankee fans.

Here are the little sluggers walking up the ramp.

Wearing papa’s favorite player

“I love you Juliet”

Mommy and Ella. Mommy wore a vintage NY Giants jersey.

Ron and Stella running up to the seats.

One Response to “Super busy Thursday”

  1. merilee says:

    I think the Yankees won because you were there. Was Oakland as much fun as ATT? And I love the graduation picture you included; you should be proud. Love you. Mom

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