A walk around the park

Tonight, after a delicious dinner cooked by mommy Sunny, we took a walk around the park with the Kim/Arenas. It’s so great to see the girls grow up together.

I took this picture of Ella when I came home from work today. Her fake smile is getting less cheezy.

Eating dinner while singing the theme song to the Backyardigans.

Ella wanted to take Zoe for the walk tonight.

“Lean On Me”… here are the girls hanging out on the Juan Marichal statue by the ballpark eating peaches.

Here is a fantastic picture that Ron took of Ella jumping. She is getting to be a great jumper as you can see!

Here is the gang playing kick the cup. It was kind of a mess behind the ballpark from last night’s Kenny Chesney concert so the girls were kicking around these plastic cups that were left all over the place.

Another action shot of Ella running towards her buddies.

One Response to “A walk around the park”

  1. merilee says:

    What a beautiful friendship. Love you. Mom

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