Grandma and Papa are here!

Grandma and Papa arrived this morning after spending some time with Jesse and Heather in LA. Ella couldn’t believe her eyes when she saw them. She was really quiet for a few minutes with this look on her face like she was holding all of her emotions in her mouth and she was going to explode. After a while she was herself again talking up a storm. Sunny had to work, so the four of us (Papa, Grandma, Ella and myself) went to the carousel and then went to the Ferry Building for lunch. After lunch, Papa, Grandma and Ella took naps. When Sunny came home, we went to Acme for dinner and then walked behind the ballpark looking for Stella and Juliet who were possibly going to be ice skating. They weren’t there but we didn’t let Ella know that we were looking for them so she wasn’t upset. It was so sweet to see Ella reunited with her grandparents and to feel all the love today.

Grandma and Ella on the carousel – Papa is holding Ella

Grandma and Papa love Ella so much that they were able to smile through the dizziness of riding the carousel.

Here they are walking to the restaurant.

A better view

Laughing with grandma about the sound a bunny rabbit makes

Feeding grandma ice cream at Acme

Sharing a kiss with papa

Look at this kid! It’s been colder here at night. Check out Ella’s gloves.

Papa has been teaching Ella how to hide and then jump out and surprise us. He is a shot of them in action.

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