Finding Ann safe and sound

Last night, Sunny wrote an e-mail to Alicia explaining about Ann and asking her if she could put Ann on her desk in the morning so Ella could see that she was OK during the night.  Well…the incredible Ms. Alicia did more than that.  When we came into the classroom this morning, Ella found Ann on Ms. Alicia’s desk like this…223.jpg319.jpg417.jpg It was such a beautiful thing to see Ella so relieved that Ann was OK and so happy that Ms. ALicia took care of her.  It’s late and Ella is sleeping right now.  I took this picture about 5 minutes ago.  Ann and Ella are safe and sound and under the covers.86.jpgHere are a few sweet pictures from today at Ella’s school.127.jpgThis one is actually from early this morning in the elevator.59.jpg Ella checking out the silk worms in her classroom.68.jpgBrickelle, Ella and Casi at the sutainability fair.77.jpg Ella and Brickelle with the penguins they just made with Casi.Ella and I went to bi-rite after school for ice cream.  Ella ate most of her chocolate ice cream and then finished my salted caramel.  After ice cream, Ella had t-ball practice.  Ella did a pretty good job today – I think she may have a future in being a groundskeeper.  We’ll see.  Tonight Ella went to Stella and Juliet’s and watched Madeline and had a great time.  Sunny and I went across the street to see some friends at Mijita.  The Giants won tonight, it’s the weekend and life is beautiful.

One Response to “Finding Ann safe and sound”

  1. merilee says:

    Thanks for the call in the car yesterday on your way to school. I wanted to ask about Ann, but was reluctant to start something for which I couldn’t control the ending. So happy Ann is safe and sound at home. Pictures are adorable. Love you. Mom

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