An incedible happy day and night for Ella.

Today, Helen and I went out to the Puma outlet and Sunny had to do some work so Ron watched all 3 girls.  He did what every great dad would do – he inflated the bouncy house!


He also had the kids playing with special Tinkerbell glitter glue and of course let them dress up in their favorite princess outfits.

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Does this look incredible or what?

At night, Sunny and I went to a party hosted by 2 parents from Ella’s class and Helen and Ron let Ella be their third child for the night.  Ella was so happy to be able to spend such quality time with the Kim/Arena’s.  Thank you so much you guys – you are the greatest.  After a wonderful dinner, they all watched Wall-E.  Ella was the first to fall asleep during the movie.


One Response to “An incedible happy day and night for Ella.”

  1. merilee says:

    Sharing a giggle with friends is beautiful. Miss you. Mom

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