The ballgame

Tonight we celebrated Amy’s birthday a day late by taking her to the ballgame. Becca was supposed to come with us but she fell and really hurt her foot during work. Sunny took Becca to the hospital to get x-rays and Amy came over to pick up Ella and me. Ella was really tired – no nap today, so she went to the game with her blankie and binky. Amy and Ella did some serious bonding before the game – it was really sweet. Once we got to the game, Ella took out her binky, shared a bag of popcorn and some cotton candy with Amy and then fell asleep. Mommy joined us in around the 5th inning. Becca’s foot isn’t broken but it’s really badly bruised. We hope you feel better Becca.

Ella and Amy…

Ella and her pals Charlie Brown and Snoopy.

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